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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Protect Your PC against Malware

To help protect your computer from the Sirefef malware, perform the following steps:

  1. Keep Current with Operating System Updates -- Important system updates provide significant benefits such as improved security. Not keeping up with operating system updates will make your PC vulnerable to malware threats such as Sirefef. Ensure you use the Automatic Updates feature in Windows and have your computer automatically download Microsoft security updates.

  2. Use an Antivirus Software -- Even though Sirefef can disable antivirus applications once it has been installed on your machine, having an antivirus application installed prior to becoming infected with the malware can help prevent infection. You must update the antivirus application with the latest signature files.  Out-of-date signature files will be render the antivirus application useless not only against Sirefef, but against other malware such as the FBI virus.

  3. Be Cautious of the Websites You Visit -- Keep away from unknown sites and don't click on links within emails unless you're absolutely sure it's safe to do so.

  4. Don't Download and Install Pirated Software -- Sirefef is often distributed by exploits that promote software piracy. Pirated software can introduce other threats, such as the Suspicious.Emit malware.

Home Mortgage Refinancing

Home mortgage refinancing can save you money or get you into trouble. The lure of lower interest rates and monthly payments may look good, but you have to understand the risks.
In general, you should avoid refinancing your mortgage if you’ll waste money and increase risk. It’s easy to fall into the traps below, so make sure you steer clear of these common mistakes.
Extending a Loan’s Term
When you refinance, you often extend the amount of time you’ll repay your loan. For example, if you get a new 30 year loan, payments are calculated to last for the next 30 years. If your old loan only had 10 or 20 years left to go, home mortgage refinancing will result in higher lifetime interest payments.
When you get a new loan, most of your payments go towards interest in the early years, and you’ll start from scratch. Plug the numbers into a loan amortization calculator to see how your total interest costs will change.

Closing Costs

Home mortgage refinancing costs money. You’ll pay fees to your new lender to compensate them for offering the loan. You may also pay for legal documents and filings, credit checks, appraisals, and more.
Even if a loan is advertised as a "no closing cost" loan, you’re paying those fees. Generally this happens through a higher interest rate.
Debt Consolidation
You can use home mortgage refinancing as a strategy to consolidate debts. Sometimes this helps because you reduce interest rates on your debt, and you may be able to turn consumer debts into tax-deductible home equity debts. This can backfire if you:
  • Simply shift the debt and rebuild your consumer debts again
  • Are unable to get tax benefits from home mortgage refinancing
  • Are unable to pay the larger loan balance and risk losing your home
If you’re having trouble paying consumer debts, think twice before putting your home on the line.

Recourse Debt

In some states, home loans have special protection from creditors. In the event of foreclosure, they may not be able to sue you if they lose money on the deal. However, home mortgage refinancing changes the nature of your loan: it’s no longer the original loan you used to purchase your home, so you may lose some protection.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Dream Big Always

Very important to write down your dreams on a sheet of paper. This is extremely important moment. A sheet of paper helps us to make absolutely clear what we really want, make our dream more real and practical. When the dream is written down on a paper it becomes not so scaring. The most people are afraid of the things they do not know. That is why till the time your dream remains only in your mind, it can be too big and abstract. Besides the dreams written on a sheet of paper, will remind you about your daily goals.
At first your dream seems very big, long-termed and very scaring. You do not even know how to start making it come true. What to start with? Intermediate goals make your dream more clear. Very important to set up the deadlines for each of your goals. This will help you to define the action plan. Though your goals do not make your dream smaller, they make your dream more clear and practical for you. It won't be so big as it was at first sight. All great achievements consist of many small achievements. Our mind easier operates with many little goals, that one great dream. You'll feel the sense of relief, once you break your big dream to smaller goals.
Now you see your dream as something real. But still do not believe it can come true, because you do not know the way how to materialize your dream. This point is very important, because the realization of your dream depends on correct and working action plan. Think about your action plan. If you dream is big enough, you can not find appropriate ideas at once. But don't give up. Your conscious mind is limited, it does not know the answer to all the questions. Right here you need the help from your subconscious mind. The time for delivering an appropriate idea may vary from 1 hour till 3 monthes. It depends on your congruency with your dream. It means how much you believe in your dream. Your subconscious mind accepts the requests and begins working on it. The idea will come suddenly, the moment you will expect it the less. Your job to think about the action plan and wait for an answer.
Imagine, you have already reach your dreams. Do you see the new you? I don't believe the new you is the same as now. Probably he is quite different, more confident, will smile more often, will treat other people better? Just sit down and describe the new person in details, what his new traits of character, the clothing this person wears, the relations in the family, etc. Of course the attitude to life will be different than something like «excuse me for being alive». Make the most detailed description you can. But do not force your character change to the one you just have written on the paper. It will not work. This process will go automatically, when you will do the next point.
This items belongs to the self suggestion section. You should practice it daily. You have to make your subconsciousness to work for you, to support you, but not against you. If it will work against you, you're doomed to failure. But you're able to make your subconscious mind to work with you using the methods of self suggestion.
Current item is very important, when you reach your current goal. What happens when you reach your goal. Is it a final destination point? Absolutely not. The achievement of the current goal is the starting point towards achieving the new goal and advantage. Some people stops after they reach one goals. Big mistake. They just forgot to set up another goal. Though they reach the goal, they can not stop. This is just the small part of the overall road to success. There is long road ahead. If you set up the next goal at once, you will easily avoid this trap and all the life be in process of pursuing your dream. The dream is not the destination point, it is a part of the course of our life. Do not forget, that your life will end at the moment when you reach your dream and forget to set up the new one. When you achieve one goal, you decide to start pursuing some bigger goal, something better. Do not take a rest. It is very similar, when driving a car you decide, where to go now. The same problems refer to our goal.

Secrets Of Great Men In The World

"Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders reveals what we all must do if we are to be great at inspiring others to a cause."--Michael Useem

It drives us, inspires us, and compels us to reach for the most impossible of dreams. It is that indefinable ingredient we call motivation--and it is the key factor that separates ordinary people from the truly great leaders of our world. Motivation, however, can't be forced or faked. It is the responsibility of every great leader to create conditions that will empower individuals and teams to get things done in ways that they find enriching and fulfilling. Once motivated, they become transformed; they want to achieve, they want to do well. Why? Because their work matters--to their boss, to their teams, and to themselves.
This is the first and the main success secret.
What does it mean an ‘internal intention’?
’An intention’ means the readiness to have and act upon the achievement. ‘Internal’ means that your desire comes from the heart and not from the mind. Heart controls emotions, and mind controls logic. If the conflict arises between emotions and logic, every time in all cases emotions win. They are stronger then logic in our Universe. Our Universe is a large bundle of energy. And our emotions contain a small part of this energy. Only your emotions control your life. They are like a magnet, attract to you events that you go through in your mind..

Why do I say just ‘an intention’ not ‘a wish’? ‘A wish’ is a tool of a mind. It wishes something, when it is not ready to get this. Your mind wishes something, but this thing doesn’t matter to your heart. Therefore not all wishes come true. Wishes become a reality only, when they transform into a desire and then intention. Now it becomes clear why it happens that way. WISHES COME FROM THE MIND. If the heart is not in harmony with the mind this wish will not come true. A mental discomfort will push away the desired events from you. When the mind finds something, that is in line with your heart, you are ready to work and put your efforts towards achieving your dream. Then you simply stop wishing, and start acting. You realize, that it is already yours, but when it appears in your physical reality is just a matter of time. Your believe is so strong, that you start realizing, that your desire is on it's way to you.

Try to understand, what success in life means for you. Not always it is something material. Material things are results of success, but not the success itself. Each person wishes to have a large nice house, excellent car, but the heart of only a few people desire the same. The heart of others desire something else. We have come into this world absolutely different. We can not aim the public success. You have to find yor personal success. You will feel, when you really find your niche. It will be accompanied by the feeling of joy and happiness, absolute peace in mind. These feelings bring into your life a lot of good and become permanent positive source of vital energy. The most import success secret is to find your personal path in life and follow it!
Let me reveal you one success secret, that perhaps will surprise you. Most likely your mind won’t accept it, but don’t reject this idea right away and think about it. SUCCESS IS A NATURAL WAY OF DEVELOPING EVENTS; FAILURE IS A DEVIATION FROM THE NORM. Now let me clarify why it happens this way and why there are more failures then winners in the world. On the page intention, I explain the law of the least resistance. It means, that Universe follows the line of the least resistance; it brings into reality things, that requires the least amount of energy, but it does not mean the big things in our understanding require more energy. Please look around: the nature is full of abundance, it is wasteful in all. Look at the fields, covered by millions nice-looking flowers, at the mountains, at the oceans, at the forests. How great they are! The nature creates this beauty without any efforts. Abundance is a norm and an ordinary development of events. See how harmoniously everything is established in nature. It is amazing, isn’t it? Why do people have everything vice versa? This poverty amazes too! The answer is hidden in a human’s mind. Human’s life is controlled by his mind. All events have to follow the scenario defined by the mind in advance. And if something goes wrong it is interpreted as failure and as unpleasant coincidence of events. As a result the person begins to experience negative emotions. To say the truth the other scenario doesn’t mean "the worse" scenario. Because what is death for a caterpillar it is birth for a butterfly. Interpreting events in the negative way, we step aside from the road of abundance and success. A mind take control over our life. It pushes off the heart to the background. That's why in the most cases people face with failure, they move the line of the great resistance. Life is unpredictable, but mind tries to define everything and forecast all the variants of developing events in advance. But it is impossible! Being disappointed and unhappy with the present scenario person moves to a negative life line, where everything happens opposite to the persons wishes and desires. Human makes a great mistake. He thinks, that unpredictable scenario of the events development is worse than predictable. . Let your mind does not interfere into process of goals achievement and then you will get what you want. Loose a grasp of the control. Then an unconditional knowledge, that you are on the road to success will open to you. And nothing can stop you, because Universe is wasteful on wealth and plenty.
You have to take responsibility for the realization of your goal and start to work hard towards it's achievement. The success secret of all wealthy and successful people is hidden in their work. Do you remember Thomas Edison and his 10000 unsuccessful attempts, that leads to the wonderful discovery; Henri Ford, who invented an automobile, the team of experts worked day-by-day on T8 model more than a year; and other well-known people. Nobody achieved success lying on the bed. Secret of success consists in the hard work. Work and only laborious and hard work led them to their goals. They overcame a great number of obstacles, that later helped them to make new and new wonderful inventions. And nobody was afraid to overwork. Watch the successful people, they work much more time with bigger efforts then mediocre people. They take a rest very rarely and relax much quicker and effectively. Hard work gives them strength. This is the main secret of hard work.

Though they work more, they are get tired much less. Why? Because they see their goal and live in their vision. It gives them power to work further. A man is created for a work, he become tired doing nothing and his heart gets bored of laziness. Look around. Everything is created for some purpose: cars to move fast, planes to carry people for long distance in a very short time. A man comes to Earth for some purpose as well. Look, if you close your car into a garage and forget about it for 2-3 years, this car will be in much worse condition, then an average car used day by day for 10 years. It also regards to the planes and everything else too. And man becomes bored doing nothing. He has to work and achieve his goal. Only following this way a man can find his happiness.

You should figure only on yourself, working on the achievement of your own dream. You shouldn’t rely on good fortune or on other people. Good fortune will be with you, if you act upon achieving of your dream. If you will wait your fortune, you will do it forever. The more you procrastinate, the more difficult will be for you to find your luck. Act yourselves, manage other people cleverly, and fortune will be with you. So I wish you to work hard for the achievement of your dream.
Secret of success #4
Self suggestion is the only known key to the world of sub consciousness. Self suggestion helps us to control our life in a manner we want our life to develop. ALL THE TIME YOU SUGGEST VARIOUS THOUGHTS AND IDEAS TO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, but you do not to know about it. Each word that you address to yourself and each thought about your qualities or the world around you is self suggestion. What do you think about yourself? Do you like yourself? Your thoughts about yourself are self suggestion as well. Thoughts in your mind transform into emotions. Emotions are the basic line for sub consciousness. And the longer these emotions stay in your mind, the more they impress your sub consciousness. All thoughts deep-rooted in your subconscious mind affect your physical reality. The simplest example: if you don’t like yourself, you act unconfidently, you question each you decision. Self suggestion is a most powerful process (now you understand, why) and leave it is to chance, moving through life spontaneously and unconsciously is at least stupid. You are able to choose your thoughts consciously, so think a couple of minutes about yourself from the best point of view. You are a unique person, there is no the same person in the world. YOU ARE A STAR. Think a while only about your positive qualities. What are you good at? You have a lot of good qualities. Focus on them. How well do you cope with that task, with another task … Think for a while.
Have you noticed your mood has changed a little bit to the positive? But you thought only for a while. If you think 5 minutes, if you repeat this twice a day and then if you think every day repeatedly? Do you understand what will happen? You will finally change your attitude to yourself. You will learn to focus on positive things.

At this step miracles take place. Even if you do not know how to achieve your desire, start to set goals. It is a transitional moment from average person to the successful one. It is very important to become aware of this success secret. ALL SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DIDN’T KNOW HOW THEY WERE GOING TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS. It is important for you to have enough courage to set these goals. When you set goals and plan your life for a long period of time in advance, you tune your subconscious mind towards definite variant of development the events. It is like tuning a radio. At first you choose what station you want to listen to, and then you search for it. If you don’t know what you want to listen to, you will find one station then switch quickly to the second one, third one, but you will listen to a noise between stations in most cases. The same takes place in a life. At first you should define where you want to get and then your sub consciousness will tune to that variant of life. The most people don’t choose they walk through life, so unfortunately their life is a continuous 'noise'.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain.
Many different types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can begin in your brain (primary brain tumors), or cancer can begin in other parts of your body and spread to your brain (secondary, or metastatic, brain tumors)
The signs and symptoms of a brain tumor vary greatly and depend on the brain tumor's size, location and rate of growth.
General signs and symptoms caused by brain tumors may include:
  • New onset or change in pattern of headaches
  • Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe
  • Unexplained nausea or vomiting
  • Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision
  • Gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or a leg
  • Difficulty with balance
  • Speech difficulties
  • Confusion in everyday matters
  • Personality or behavior changes
  • Seizures, especially in someone who doesn't have a history of seizures
  • Hearing problems
Brain tumors that begin in the brain
Primary brain tumors originate in the brain itself or in tissues close to it, such as in the brain-covering membranes (meninges), cranial nerves, pituitary gland or pineal gland. Primary brain tumors begin when normal cells acquire errors (mutations) in their DNA. These mutations allow cells to grow and divide at increased rates and to continue living when healthy cells would die. The result is a mass of abnormal cells, which forms a tumor.
Primary brain tumors are much less common than are secondary brain tumors, in which cancer begins elsewhere and spreads to the brain. Many different types of primary brain tumors exist. Each gets its name from the type of cells involved. Examples include:
  • Acoustic neuroma (schwannoma)
  • Astrocytoma, also known as glioma, which includes anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma
  • Ependymoma
  • Ependymoblastoma
  • Germ cell tumor
  • Medulloblastoma
  • Meningioma
  • Oligodendroglioma
  • Pineoblastoma
Cancer that begins elsewhere and spreads to the brain
Secondary (metastatic) brain tumors are tumors that result from cancer that starts elsewhere in your body and then spreads (metastasizes) to your brain. Secondary brain tumors most often occur in people who have a history of cancer. But in rare cases, a metastatic brain tumor may be the first sign of cancer that began elsewhere in your body.
Secondary brain tumors are far more common than are primary brain tumors. Any cancer can spread to the brain, but the most common types include:
  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Melanoma
Tests and diagnosis
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Living With Cancer
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If it's suspected that you have a brain tumor, your doctor may recommend a number of tests and procedures, including:
  • A neurological exam. A neurological exam may include, among other things, checking your vision, hearing, balance, coordination and reflexes. Difficulty in one or more areas may provide clues about the part of your brain that could be affected by a brain tumor.
  • Imaging tests. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly used to help diagnose brain tumors. In some cases a dye may be injected through a vein in your arm before your MRI. A number of specialized MRI scans — including functional MRI, perfusion MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy — may help your doctor evaluate the tumor and plan treatment. Other imaging tests may include computerized tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET).
  • Tests to find cancer in other parts of your body. If it's suspected that your brain tumor may be a result of cancer that has spread from another area of your body, your doctor may recommend tests and procedures to determine where the cancer originated. One example might be a CT scan of the chest to look for signs of lung cancer.
  • Collecting and testing a sample of abnormal tissue (biopsy). A biopsy can be performed as part of an operation to remove the brain tumor, or a biopsy can be performed using a needle. A stereotactic needle biopsy may be done for brain tumors in hard to reach areas or very sensitive areas within your brain that might be damaged by a more extensive operation. Your neurosurgeon drills a small hole, called a burr hole, into your skull. A thin needle is then inserted through the hole. Tissue is removed using the needle, which is frequently guided by CT or MRI scanning. The biopsy sample is then viewed under a microscope to determine if it is cancerous or benign. This information is helpful in guiding treatment.