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Friday 11 January 2013

Hair Removal In Washington D.C

How does laser hair removal work?

Lasers can be used for black hair removal, brown hair removal but are not effective for blond hair removal, gray hair removal or white hair removal.  Common areas treated are facial hair removal, arm & leg hair removal, bikini line, Brazilian bikini (Brazilian wax).  Cultura's treatments include laser hair removal for women and laser hair removal for men. Laser hair removal cost is based on the site treated and costs range from $150 for smaller areas to $500-$700 for larger areas.

Laser hair removal is achieved by shining a laser light, like a flashlight, over the hairy area.  The pigment in the hair shaft absorbs the light; the light absorbed by the black hair shaft is naturally converted to heat which destroys the hair follicle.  To permanently destroy hair, a minimum of 8 monthly treatments are generally required.  (The exact number of treatments required cannot be predicted in advance because individual hormones and hair types differ.)

The treatment feels like little rubber bands popping - it's not painful, just irritating. But no lingering discomfort remains once the treatment is finished.  Laser hair removal is a very fast treatment taking less than 30 minutes to treat a patient's full face and neck area and 10-15 minutes for underarms and bikini line.  There are no temporary or transient skin changes or recovery period, including no post-treatment redness, swelling, or change in skin color.  You can return to work or have lunch with friends or colleagues immediately after treatment without anyone knowing you were treated.
One of the value added properties of laser hair removal is that dark spots and texture changes patients may experience from ingrown hair, improve dramatically as a result of laser hair removal.  

Patients who have suffered from pigment and texture changes in the past are as ecstatic about the improvement they notice in their skin color and texture as they are about permanent hair removal.
At the present time four laser wavelengths are available for the treatment of unwanted body hair. In essence, these wavelengths target pigment granules in the hair (melanin) in an effort to destroy hair follicles. Hair follicles are capable of producing hairs of various thickness and colors. Dark hair contains the pigment melanin which serves as the target for energy at these wavelengths. Four wavelengths, 694nm. produced by the Ruby laser, 755nm. produced by the Alexandrite laser, 800nm. produced by the Diode laser, and 1064nm. produced by the Neodymium-YAG laser, have been shown to be effective in the removal of pigmented hair. The pulsed laser energy is absorbed by the pigmented hair shaft and transferred to the surrounding follicle. The heat build-up caused by the absorption of energy by the hair itself is capable of creating follicular damage and retard or prevent future hair production by that follicle.
A Very Popular Choice – More Effective & Long Lasting
Laser hair removal is considered a far more effective solution for unwanted hair with long lasting results, and has gained in popularity since first introduced in the late 1990s. In fact, the American Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons estimates that in 2008 over 1.3 million laser hair removal procedures were performed in the United States alone – making laser hair removal the #1 aesthetic laser procedure and second only to Botox.
Will It Work For You?
Clinically Proven Since 1998, LightSheer diode lasers are widely recognized as the 'gold standard' for hair removal and permanent hair reduction across the broadest patient population – clinically proven to be safe and effective since first introduced in the late 1990s, and perfected over time.
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses laser light — an intense, pulsating beam of light — to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal works by passing a light beam through the skin. The laser targets dark pigment, called melanin, in hair. When the light beam hits the hair follicle (where hair growth originates), the intense heat destroys the hair follicle instantly. Laser hair removal offers a quick, safe and comfortable way to remove unwanted body hair. Unlike other hair removal procedures that focus on individual hairs, laser technology is able to quickly treat large areas of hair at once and is safe on all skin types.
Laser Hair Removal works by selectively concentrating light energy in the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unchanged. This procedure can be performed in as little as 15 to 30 minutes and you can return to regular activity immediately following. Laser hair removal can be performed on any area of the face or body and is faster and easier than other methods of hair removal. A series of treatments are provided at 4-8 week intervals to achieve treatment goals
How is the laser treatment performed?

Laser hair removal is a time-consuming but relatively straightforward process. You may be given a prescription for topical anesthetic cream and may also be instructed how to apply this cream (BLT) at home. We can also apply the cream in the office if desired. This cream greatly reduces the discomfort associated with the laser hair removal process. Prior to treatment the hairs will be shaved and the laser treatment will proceed. Treatment times vary from a few minutes for areas such as the chin and neck to a few hours for extensive areas of the legs, back and chest. After the procedure cool compresses and soothing gels are applied to the treated area and patients spend time relaxing before being discharged. Patients are asked to return in one week for a follow-up visit and then are examined monthly in order to determine when it is best to re-treat the involved areas.
What will I look like after treatment?

The application of laser energy to the skin results in a pink color and on occasion crusting in the area will develop lasting a few days. Discomfort similar to a sunburn may be noted over the first 24 hour period and in extensive cases Tylenol or mild Codeine containing analgesics may be used. In certain instances, especially in darker complected individuals, temporary pigmentation changes may be noted. One may notice hair within the follicles for up to two weeks after therapy, however, this will fall out leaving smooth, hair-free skin.
What do I have to do before the treatment begins?

During your initial consultation you will be asked to provide a detailed medical and hormonal history. When indicated, we will obtain blood tests in order to uncover any hormone-related causes which may be associated with the excess production of body hair. Patients who are darker skin type may use a bleaching cream (Hydroquinone 4%, or Kojic Acid) for three to four weeks prior to treatment in order to lessen the effects of brown melanin pigment in the skin surrounding the hair follicle.
What are the risks associated with laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal has proven to be a very safe procedure when performed in physicians offices, not at spas and strip malls. Since laser pulses are a constant energy, there is little chance of scarring associated with this process. In certain instances temporary increased or decreased pigmentation will be noted within the lasered sites, especially in more darkly pigmented patients. In certain cases there may be some degree of crusting during the postoperative period which is treated by the use of bland emollients or topical antibiotics.

Nurses and physicians are on call 24 hours a day to assist you through your postoperative period and to answer any questions you may have during this time.
What are the costs involved in the procedure?

Laser hair removal involves the use of sophisticated expensive laser equipment in order to deliver precise and effective energy pulses. During your initial consultation the areas to be treated will be determined and a fee quote per treatment session will be given to you. This fee involves the cost of the procedure, dressings and postoperative visits. The fee for re-treatment sessions at one to two month intervals may be the same or less than the initial treatment depending on the extent of follow-up treatment needed. Our aim is to provide safe, effective and affordable laser treatments for patients wishing to avail themselves of this service.
What can I expect?

Laser treatment for hair removal currently represents one of the most exciting areas within laser medicine and surgery. Patient variation and the nature of hair follicle growth make it difficult to predict the exact outcome in every case. We are committed to excellence and will attempt to provide a pleasing cosmetic result for all of our patients, however, no specific guarantees can be made with regard to the final outcome..

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